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CCI Iraq

Providing water access for 75,000 people and saving 750 million liters of water annually with the WADA-Tajdid Water Project

Planted 500 saplings for a cleaner and greener Iraq

With Ramadan Caravans we distributed 675,000 ration bags, 700 meals and 9,000 beverages

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CCI Iraq as a Corporate Citizen

Corporate Social Responsibility

Water Replenishment Projects
WADA Tajdid Project

The WADA-Tajdid Water Project, co-funded by The Coca-Cola Foundation and USAID (United States Agency for International Development) and developed by Chemonics, has improved access to water for 75,000 people and helped save around 750 million liters of water annually in the Soran region, affected by the water crisis. In 2020, CCI Iraq began contributing to the project and completed the first phase of the project in 2022. The major objective behind this initiative is to increase capacity of the Water Treatment Unit which will increase the water access of the local citizens.

Cleaning Water Irrigation Canal

In line with the Iraqi government's vision for a "cleaner and greener Iraq", CCI Iraq is redirecting water from the Hilla plant's wastewater treatment plant into an irrigation canal to irrigate farmland near the plant under the Irrigation Canal Cleaning and Dredging Agreement. The canal is supplied with clean water over a length of 10 kilometers and irrigates around 3,600 hectares of agricultural land. Weeds and silt that pile up in the canal prevents the water flow which causes difficulty in agriculture and also causes environmental pollution such as bad smells, gas, bacteria, sediments.

Youth Empowerment Projects
Youth Development Program

CCI Iraq participated in the Youth Support Program, which is conducted in partnership with IREX under the Career Readiness Academy, to equip recent graduates with essential skills for the industrial sectors and job market

CCI Volunteers

Activity Volunteers
World Environment Day 2023

CCI Iraq, in collaboration with the Hasar Organization's "One Million Oaks Project," a total of 200 saplings were planted in Erbil city and Hilla Plant area.

World Volunteers Day 2023

On World Volunteers Day, 42 CCI Volunteers in Iraq got together on the field and planted 100 saplings at CCI Erbil Plant and al Taleebah High School in Hilla city.

World Cleanup Day 2023

On World Cleanup Day 2023, 20 CCI Volunteers came together with the Administration of the Sami Abdulrahman Park in Erbil to clean the vicinity of the park. During the activity CCI Volunteers collected a total of 200 kg of waste material including 80 kg of plastic.

World Cleanup Day 2022

More than 65 CCI Volunteers, in coordination with the local authorities at Karbala, Erbil, UNDP, and local volunteer groups, cleaned a total cleaned area of around 62 acres on World Cleanup Day in 2022.

Reforestation Projects 2022

500 saplings were planted by CCI Iraq in Khabat district for keeping the city cleaner & greener.


School Restoration Project

School in Babylon province's city center, with a capacity of 2,000 students, underwent restoration, including reforestation within the school grounds.

Ramadan Caravan

With support from TCCC, we distributed 675,000 ration bags, 700 meals and 9,000 beverages with Ramadan Caravans.

Community Support Project

In partnership with the Center for Public Policy and Democracy Studies (PODEM), we provided 40,000 bottles of water along with financial support to hospitals, security forces, villages, nursing homes, orphanages, and impoverished families in Baghdad, Hilla, Karbala, and Erbil during the pandemic.

Diesel Fuel Supply to Hospitals

CCI Iraq donated 1,000 liters of diesel fuel to the Erbil Public Health Department to be distributed to hospitals specializing in COVID-19 treatment. It was important to ensure the continuity of the operation of generators and medical refrigerators to preserve vaccines and medicines used to treat Covid.

Customer Support Program

CCI Iraq, with the support of TCCC, donated 1,000,000 bottles of product and 500,000 medical masks to 50,000 retailers and small shops across Iraq during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Donation of Oxygen Cylinders

During the COVID-19 pandemic, CCI Iraq, with support from TCCC, assisted the Ministry of Health by supplying 520 tonnes of oxygen cylinders to hospitals in all Iraqi provinces.

Career Opportunities

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News From Us
The iconic Coca-Cola Caravan returns to Baghdad, this Ramadan