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CCI Uzbekistan

CCI Uzbekistan inaugurates 4th plant

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CCI Uzbekistan as a Corporate Citizen

Corporate Social Responsibility

Water Replenishment Projects
Access to Safe Drinking Water in Rural Areas

The UNDP project "Improving Sanitation in the Aral Sea Region through Access to Safe Drinking Water in Rural Areas," funded by The Coca-Cola Foundation, is designed to increase the standard of living of the target population located in the Khwarezm region of Uzbekistan through providing access to a quality water supply. Included in the project are infrastructure construction, training and awareness raising activities, and the formation of a community-based initiative group that will be involved in implementation and maintenance activities. In the Karakalpakstan region, the installation of a desalination plant with a capacity of 8,000 liters per hour will provide access to clean water for approximately 1,100 people, including 83 households and 2 schools.

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Waste Collection Projects
“Go Wasteless” HORECA Collection Project

The project's objective is to promote waste recycling in the HoReCa sector and reduce the environmental impact of the sector. One of the project's key initiatives is to enable HoReCa to sell the collected PET bottles directly to recycling companies through a digital platform. This will result in several benefits for recycling companies, such as reducing the logistics expenses through efficient route planning and paying less for higher quality raw materials. In 2023, a total of 5 tons of PET bottles collected from 120 HoReCa points were sent for recycling as a part of the project.

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Women Empowerment Projects
Coozin Project

Coozin, a women's empowerment project supported by TCCC, is a digital platform that empowers women to start their own small businesses without requiring start-up capital. Currently implemented in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, the project enables women to benefit from freelance job opportunities by digitally connecting them to all the services they need, including logistics, online payments, and training. Before joining the platform, women receive training in financial literacy, psychology, photography, entrepreneurship, and culinary. In 2023, the Coozin Project has reached 3,434 women in Tajikistan and 12,000 women in Uzbekistan.

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Youth Empowerment Projects
Nobel Festival

In 2022, 1,800 people and 10,000 students participated in the four-day Nobel Festival, sponsored by Coca-Cola Uzbekistan, which gave students and young scientists around the world the opportunity to interact online with Nobel laureates and renowned scientists.

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Career Opportunities

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CCI Uzbekistan named Brand of the Year 2023
Bizden Haberler
Coca-Cola İçecek inaugurates 4th plant in Uzbekistan, totaling its investments to 500 million USD