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CCI Türkiye

We continue to support disaster areas

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CCI Türkiye as a Corporate Citizen

Socio-economic Impact Report

Every 1 Turkish Lira (TL) CCI Türkiye injects into the economy, creates a 9,5 TL multiplying effect.


Corporate Social Responsibility

Water Replenishment Projects
Bursa Water Replenishment Project

Within the project, irrigation water savings will be achieved through techniques such as smart irrigation, regenerative agriculture and rainwater harvesting, while farmers will be delivered capacity building and awareness trainings. This will all be monitored through digital platforms.

Agriculture of the Future Project in Konya

The Agriculture of the Future project, based in Konya and carried out jointly with The Coca-Cola Company, CCI Türkiye, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Nature Conservation Center, was awarded a plaque of recognition by the Ministry in 2021. The project aims to develop a comprehensive model to help farmers combat climate change based on sustainable land and water use in agriculture.

Harran Night Irrigation Project

Launched in 2014 in collaboration with The Coca-Cola Company, the Nature Conservation Center, Harran University and the Cullap Irrigation Association, the "Night Irrigation in the Harran Plain" project is designed to save a significant amount of water through night irrigation and sprinkler irrigation techniques in the Harran Plain, an area of fairly high evaporation and water loss rate. The project also aims to spread climate-smart agricultural techniques that reduce farmers' costs and enable them to adapt to the climate change adaptation process.

Çorlu Water Replenishment Project

Within the project, irrigation water savings will be achieved through techniques such as smart irrigation, regenerative agriculture and rainwater harvesting, while farmers will be delivered capacity building and awareness trainings. This will all be monitored through digital platforms.

Women Empowerment Projects
Proud 100’s Program

The Proud Hundred’s program was launched on the 100th anniversary of our Republic to enhance women talent pool to help increase women employment rates within CCI. In line with our Sustainability Commitments for 2030. The program will provide scholarships, internship, as well as personal and professional training, mentoring, and priority recruitment opportunities for hundreds of women. Over five years, 600 women will benefit from the program.

My Sister Project

In 2010, TCCC launched the 5by20 program to empower 5 million women globally by the end of 2020, supporting their active participation in social and economic life. With this purpose, the "My Sister" project was launched in 2015 in partnership with the CocaCola Foundation, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) and Habitat. Over the first 8 years, the project reached over 450,000 women in Türkiye. Expanding its reach each year, in 2023 the project aimed to support university women aged 18-25, particularly who face educational and socioeconomic disadvantages. With financial support from the Coca-Cola Foundation and in partnership with the Private Sector Volunteers Association (ÖSGD), the project helped young women pursue their dream careers, inspire each other, identify their career needs, and become empowered. The project offers three programs in the form of direct scholarship as well as educational and inspirational content: Scholarship, Empowerment, and All Stars. The Scholarship Program, with the Turkish Education Foundation (TEV), provided scholarships to 300 young women in earthquake-affected areas. The Empowerment Program provided mentorship from professionals and experts, focusing on life, career, and personal growth. The All Stars Program, in partnership with the AHBAP Association, supported university women aiming to become role models in sports and arts. In 2024, My Sister Project will continue to empower women through existing programs as well as new programs and collaborations.

CCI Volunteers

Activity Volunteers
World Volunteer Day 2023

To celebrate World Volunteer Day and promote volunteering, six NGOs (Anadolu Foundation, Turkish Education Foundation, We are here Hatay Association, Darüşşafaka Society, WWF and Foundation for the Support of Women's Work) and Abilitypool met at CCI Türkiye's headquarters. The most dedicated CCI Volunteers were honoured with awards.

Istanbul Marathon 2023

In the 45th Istanbul Marathon, over 100 CCI Volunteers stepped up to support the education of children in the earthquake zone. CCI Volunteers raised over 190 thousand TL worth of donations for Turkish Education Association, Turkish Education Foundation and Darussafaka Society.

World Cleanup Day 2023

As part of the World Cleanup Day in September, 1,105 kg of waste was collected across 9 provinces of Türkiye with the participation of 144 CCI Volunteers, representing a collective effort totalling approximately 10 hours of work. In Turkmenistan, 223 kg of waste was collected in 5 hours by 18 CCI Volunteers. In Almaty and Astana cities of Kazakhstan, more than 300 CCI Volunteers collected approximately 1,000 kg of waste, reflecting an impressive collective effort lasting approximately 15 hours. CCI Kyrgyzstan Volunteers participated in the cleanup of Lake Issyk-Kul, removing waste from the area. Meanwhile, 40 CCI Jordan Volunteers conducted a land cleanup in Madaba, a well-known tourist area, covering 120,000 square meters. 20 CCI Iraq Volunteers collected a total of 200 kg of waste in Erbil city. In Azerbaijan, with the assistance of 25 dedicated CCI Volunteers, an 11-hectare area spanning the entire coastal expanse of the Caspian Sea was meticulously cleaned, resulting in the proper disposal of a significant quantity of waste totaling 5 tons. Overall, these efforts resulted in the collection of 8.5 tons of waste across 7 CCI countries.

Reforestation Project 2023

CCI Türkiye Volunteers collaborated with the Aegean Forest Foundation to plant 2,000 saplings in Bursa.

World Cleanup Day 2022

For World Cleanup Day in September, nearly 400 CCI volunteers from Türkiye, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan, along with their families, collected waste and recyclable plastics from 21 different locations. CCI Türkiye collected 70 bags of waste from eight cities.

World Volunteer Day 2022

To celebrate World Volunteer Day and promote volunteering, five NGOs (Koruncuk Foundation, Science Heroes Association, Development Network for Village Schools, Foundation for the Support of Women's Work, and WWF) and Abilitypool met at CCI Türkiye's headquarters. The most active CCI volunteers were honoured with awards.

Istanbul Marathon 2022

44th Istanbul Marathon: During the 44th Istanbul Marathon, over 100 CCI volunteers collected donations worth TRY 415,430 on behalf of the Koruncuk Foundation. The donations cover the one-year education fee for 34 girls. Volunteers also sent fruit juices to the Koruncuk Foundation's villages where the girls reside.

Disaster Volunteers
Earthquake Zone Support 2024 - CCI Türkiye

In cooperation with Soil to Plate Agricultural Development Cooperative, Coca-Cola Türkiye We Care Volunteers and 7 CCI Volunteers from our Hatay distributor came together to support the harvest of farmers in Hatay.

Earthquake Zone Support 2023 - CCI Türkiye

After the earthquake on February 6th, CCI and Coca-Cola Türkiye employees and distributors collected nearly 2,000 packages of in-kind donations in Istanbul, Çorlu, Bursa, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya, and Köyceğiz. The in-kind donations were delivered to the earthquake zone through the Anadolu Foundation.

Earthquake Donations 2024

On the February 6th Earthquake Anniversary, in collaboration with the Food Rescue Association, CCI employees all around Türkiye gathered 43 boxes of personal care and hygiene supplies and sent them to the people living in container cities in Hatay.

Earthquake Donations 2023

In response to the devastating earthquake that hit on February 6, 2023 and affected many provinces in Türkiye, we mobilized all available resources to meet the needs of the region. Our Hazar plant operated at full capacity exclusively to support those in the earthquake zone. We opened our Mersin and Elazığ plants to accommodate earthquake survivors. We provided 50 emergency tents to our distributors in the region, to address the urgent need for shelter. We sent 145 trucks loaded with water and beverages. As CCI, Coca-Cola Türkiye, and Coca-Cola Foundation, we donated a total of TRY 30 million. 1 million dollars of the donation was provided by the Coca-Cola Foundation. Employees across CCI collectively raised approximately 1,038,000 TRY in individual donations. CCI matched the total amount of individual donations and contributed the same amount to the relevant organizations. CCI employees also donated their own rations to the earthquake zone. In Ramadan, we supported Coca-Cola Türkiye's 1 million meals to the earthquake zone by sending 1.1 million products. On April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children's Day, we supported the toy and book campaign initiated by Dudullu OIZ to be donated to children in the earthquake zone. On International Women's Day, we donated TRY 200,000 to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Türkiye, on behalf of our women employees, to support health services, hygiene packages, and safe living spaces for women and girls in earthquake-affected areas. As part of the pilot implementation of the"Earthquake Zone Trade Support Project", we provided “Container Groceries” to customers who had lost their shops but wanted to continue their businesses. The project was initially launched in 4 locations in Hatay, Adıyaman, and İskenderun. We distributed 700 thousand drinks in cooperation with the Food Rescue Association.

Disaster Donations 2022

In 2022, we supported recovery efforts following the Düzce earthquake, the Datça forest fire, the flood disaster in the Kastamonu Bozkurt region, and the mining accident in the Bartın Amasra region with in-kind donations.

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CCI awarded in 3 categories at the WeCare Awards
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