Our Value Chain

We consume less while we produce more. We are steadily innovating to increase our resource efficiency and improve our packaging in 34 plants in 12 countries for more sustainable production. We achieve recycling rates of up to 99% and are making rapid progress towards our zero-waste target. We maintain international standards and work with approved excellence programs. Our plants are audited annually as per the Coca-Cola System Operating Activity Requirements (KORE).
We use digital technologies to plan our warehouse operations in line with the customer and distributor demands. We promote CCI values throughout our value chain. We make investments in the talent development of our distributors to maximize favorable market entry performance. We spread our practices that help create environmental and social value among our distributors.
Winning with our customers is an integral part of our business. with approximately 1.2 million sales points , we work closely with our customers and jointly develop business plans to enable sustainable growth through social and environmental practices. As we implement our marketing and advertising strategy, we adhere to TCCC's Responsible Marketing Policy.
We reach 600 million people through over 25 brands. We offer our consumers a wide array of products for every lifestyle and occasion, while always prioritizing the safety and quality of our products.
In line with TCCC's vision of A World Without Waste, we collect the packaging we place on the market through our returnable glass bottle system and recycling efforts. We are continuously pursuing innovations to increase the recycled content in our packaging. We collaborate with non-governmental organizations, local communities and the Coca-Cola Company to reach our goals.
We work towards ensuring the best quality across our value chain. By joining forces with The Coca-Cola Company and other suppliers, we strive to ensure a sustainable supply of concentrate, raw materials and packaging materials to produce high-quality, delicious beverages. We do this by ensuring that our suppliers comply with our Supplier Guiding Principles (SGP), which outline the minimum environmental, social, economic and ethical conditions we expect them to meet, and by running audits to verify their compliance with the SGP.