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Our Awards

CCI receives the WowHR Business Award in Kyrgyzstan

CCI receives the WowHR Business Award in Kyrgyzstan Details

CCI Kyrgyzstan received the international HR business award "WowHR", in the "Level Up" category with the "Culture of Curiosity" project. The "Level Up" nomination focuses on projects aimed at training and motivating employees. The “Culture of Curiosity” was created with the goal of developing the key competency of curiosity within the framework of the leadership Competencies, “3C: Capacity, Capability, Character”. 

CCI Kyrgyzstan awarded the Best Company

CCI Kyrgyzstan awarded the Best Company Details
CCI Kyrgyzstan was honoured with the title of "The Best Company of 2022" in the field of business development by the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic; for achieving unprecedented success and new milestones in business development.

CCI Kyrgyzstan recognized with the Cheksiz Awards

CCI Kyrgyzstan recognized with the Cheksiz Awards Details

CCI Kyrgyzstan was awarded by the Ministry of Labor, Social Welfare and Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic for its efforts towards creating an inclusive and accessible workplace for differently-abled individuals. In this regard, the company has made accessible WC and implemented wheelchair friendly elevator, special pavements for the blind as well as installing flashing lights on fire alarms for individuals with hearing disabilities are being developed as well. Additionally, CCI Kyrgyzstan has signed an agreement with “New Age” organization, which supports people with disabilities.