• Symbol CCOLA.IS
  • Last Price (TL) 55.75
  • Change 6.09%

Board Committees​Board Committees​

Upon resolution of the Board dated July 21, 2004, the Audit Committee is established. As per the resolution of the Board dated April 19, 2024, Emin Ethem Kutucular was appointed as the Chairman and Barış Tan was appointed as the member of the Audit Committee.

Audit Committee Charter (PDF)

Companies listed on the Borsa Istanbul are encouraged about corporate governance by the Corporate Governance Principles published by Capital Markets Board. According to the Principles, a corporate governance committee should be established in order to monitor the company’s compliance with the corporate governance principles and perform improvement studies and offer any other suggestions to the Board.

Having had a corporate governance standards system also from its IPO, CCI decided to establish a Corporate Governance Committee by the aim of a more effective corporate governance system.

As per the resolution of the Board dated April 19, 2024, İlhami Koç was appointed as the Chairman and Talip Altuğ Aksoy, Burak Başarır, M. Hurşit Zorlu, R. Yılmaz Argüden, Esel Yıldız Çekin and Çiçek Özgüneş Uşaklıgil were appointed as the members of the Corporate Governance Committee.

Corporate Governance Committee Charter (PDF)

Upon resolution of the Board dated June 13, 2013, the Risk Detection Committee is established. As per the resolution of the Board dated April 19, 2024, Lale Develioğlu was appointed as the Chairman and Burak Başarır, M. Hurşit Zorlu, Agah Uğur and Emin Ethem Kutucular were appointed as the member of the Risk Detection Committee.

Risk Detection Committee Charter (PDF)

Upon resolution of the Board dated April 19, 2024, the Sustainability Committee is established. As per the resolution of the Board dated April 19, 2024, Barış Tan was appointed as the Chairman and Burak Başarır and Lale Develioğlu was appointed as the members of the Sustainability Committee.

Sustainability Committee Charter (PDF)

Board Committees​